It was made by hand by North American Indians. In the base of a round willow branch, an animal sinew net was woven. Feathers, pearls, or stones were used for decoration, which were personal or sacred objects.
According to tradition, Native American Indians protected their children from nightmares.
Placed on top of the bed, they attributed magical powers to it. These objects, due to their natural material, have dried out by the time the child has grown up. It was believed that the dream catcher filters dreams. Nightmares hang on the web, and only good dreams are allowed through.
Complete your own dream catcher with your own talisman.
* A snail shell, a favorite stone, or a beautiful bird feather.If you want to give this object a spiritual significance, and it won't just be a decoration in your apartment, then clean it with incense. Place it close to your dream catcher so that the smoke passes through. Put it in a bright place, but close to where you sleep. Be close to the person.

* Tree of life.It cannot be tied to a specific culture. It can be found everywhere. In both cultures and religions. It has been found all over the world for centuries. The tree is also an important symbol in the field of religion, spirituality and philosophy. Since the tree of life symbolizes several things, it can represent the same thing in several cultures.

* Connect to everything.
The roots of the tree of life penetrate deep into the earth, thus reaching the earth's energy currents. And its branches reach the sky, with which you can download the energies of the sun and the moon. The symbol represents connectedness, with the universe, with others, and with everything. It means you are never alone.

* Fertility, Family and Ancestors.The tree of life is also a symbol of family relationships. A relationship with all. The branching branches of the tree symbolize the growth and development of the family. The symbol also arises in relation to fertility. After all, it is always suitable for reproduction through seeds and seedlings. Its lush green crown indicates vitality.

*Strength and Growth.A huge tree grows from a tiny sapling. It symbolizes growth, and the expansion. The tree is stable in the ground. Its roots are branching, and they keep even the biggest trees on the ground. The ever-growing canopy, along with the ever-strengthening trunk, provides strength against storms. The tree of life symbolizes constantly growing knowledge and experience, as well as increasing security.
* Individuality.The tree of life symbolizes the individuality and individual development of each person. The multiplicity of the tree and the growth of its branches in different directions give it uniqueness. It symbolizes the different development of people. A tree damaged by the weather is renewed, and new shoots grow in place of the broken branches. It symbolizes one's life journey. Its continuous strengthening and renewal.

* The tree of life is a symbol of finger birth.Trees regenerate every year. For rebirth. They drop their leaves, but sprout again in the spring. Trees grow old all the time. During their lifetime, however, they create seeds, and a new life grows from them, which carries on the properties of the tree. The tree of life is a symbol of rebirth and immortality.

* Peace.The tree of life is a symbol of relaxation and tranquility. Trees always create a sense of calm and peace. It is not by chance that people long for their closeness. Parks and forests have always been places to relax and recharge. A pleasant, relaxing phenomenon, the motionless trunk of a tree while its leaves float and rustle in the breeze.

* Owl symbol.Ghost animal. Thus, in several cultures, traditions and myths, it has been an important symbol for centuries. Many consider owls to be kindred spirits. It is found everywhere in the inhabited areas of the world, so everyone knows it. Among other things, the meaning of the owl symbol is independent thinking, wisdom and supernatural power.

* Yin-Yang or Yin and Yang symbol.It has become an important complex concept in Chinese culture over thousands of years. Meaning of Yin, ''shadow side''. Yang means ''sunny side''. This symbol symbolizes the movement of two constantly competing, but at the same time, complementary forces. This duality is constantly present in the universe. Such a duality, woman and man, sun and moon, light and dark, which together make up a whole. A divided cosmic energy, the two parts Yin/Yang, circling and chasing each other until they find balance again.