The relationship between the woman and the moon is a topic that has been explored by many cultures, traditions, and disciplines. Some of the common themes that emerge are.

The moon is a symbol of feminine energy, intuition, creativity, and cycles.
The moon influences the natural rhythm of women’s bodies, especially their menstrual cycles, which can align with the lunar phases.
The moon affects the mood and emotions of women, as well as their connection to nature and spirituality.
Of course, these are not universal truths, but rather perspectives that some people may resonate with. The relationship between the woman and the moon is a personal and subjective one, that can vary depending on the individual and the context. Some women may feel more drawn to the moon than others, and some may not feel any connection at all. There is no right or wrong way to experience the moon and its energy.

Moon for Our Daughters
by Annie Finch
Moon that is linking our daughters’
Choices, and still more beginnings,
Threaded alive with our shadows,
These are our bodies’ own voices,
Powers of each of our bodies,
Threading, unbroken, begetting
Flowers from each of our bodies.
These are our spiraling borders
Carrying on your beginnings,
Chaining through shadows to daughters,
Moving beyond our beginnings,
Moon of our daughters, and mothers.

Evening Song
by Jean Toomer
1894 – 1967
Full moon rising on the waters of my heart,
Lakes and moon and fires,
Cloine tires,
Holding her lips apart.
Promises of slumber leaving shore to charm the moon,
Miracle made vesper-keeps,
Cloine sleeps,
And I’ll be sleeping soon.
Cloine, curled like the sleepy waters where the
moon-waves start,
Radiant, resplendently she gleams,
Cloine dreams,
Lips pressed against my heart.
We are interested in your opinion.
Tell us how the moon affects you.